In our house we start our school day like many other families around the globe with Calendar Time. Calendar Time involves a number of small tasks that we do together as a family which centre around the learning of all things relating to the calendar and a lot more besides. It's a wonderful way to start the day together and sends a clear signal that learning time has begun, it also allows you to review concepts such as timetables and lots of other information as well. So this is our current set up:
I use an A1 sized cork board that I bought from Amazon. On the board currently is:
- The alphabet both upper and lower case, which runs along the top.
- Left hand side at the top: The year, this is wipeable, so I can change it
- Left hand side: The actual calendar with days and dates, this is wipeable I simply rewrite it every month. I know some people have one printed and laminated for each month but I do not want to have to store this.
- Underneath the calendar is the Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday task. This has been very useful with both of my children in helping them organise these concepts in their minds.
- Lastly down the left hand side we have the season we are in, which is changed as needed.
- The middle section has the time at the top, this is wipeable and my oldest has to look at the actual clock and write the time.
- Underneath that is a montessori printable, I cannot remember where I got this from as I have had it for 3 years. It has all of the months on it in a sun, with a poem in the middle that explains how the earth goes around the sun and another year is done.
- On the right we have the weather chart with has 25 days on it, as we do not school on a weekend.
- Underneath that is a wipeable Address and telephone number task, because we are learning these at the moment.
- Lastly at the bottom is a Nanny Countdown sheet for each of them, so that they can cross off each day until my Mum arrives from Spain.
Now that I have given you that massive list of what is on the calendar, this is how we use it. When school starts a get out the board, Nuh has to get out his 'calendar notebook' and Zany gets her 'morning work folder' out.
The calendar notebook has all of the months in it, one to each page. Nuh has to fill in the dates and any important holidays that month, it also has sections for which season we are in and asks which order the month is in. I cannot give you this as it is not my creation and I do not know where I got it from it has no information on it, (I am planning on making my own though so watch this space, when I have I will give it as a freebie).
Zany's Morning Work folder has a selection of wipeable printables, one for each day where she has to trace the word for the day, colour in the date and then copy the date number and write the word for that number. She also has a sheet for each month with the dates on it that she has to trace over the month name and each date. She also has a weather tracker for each day on it. I got this from confessions of a homeschooler. It is perfect for her ability range and makes her feel included, whilst teaching her valuable skills about time.
So on with the calendar time, Nuh fills in his calendar notebook then fills out the time on the board, whilst Zany is tracing her day and colouring out her date in her folder. Then they both do the weather tracking, Nuh on the board and Zany on her monthly chart in her folder.
The Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday task is next, they take turns at this. Even though Nuh knows this he still likes to do it.
Nuh adds another pin to the Sun with the months on if appropriate whilst we read the poem, thus reinforcing the fact that a year is completed each time the earth orbits the sun. We change the season if needed at this point.
Next up is the memorisation of our Address and Telephone number, both of them do this.
Lastly at the moment we cross of a day on our Nanny Countdown.
Thats it folks, that's how we do calendar time, it takes approximately 10 minutes in all.
If you would like my Calendar Time printables you can get them by clicking on either the image or the link below: