As Nuh is 5 and not ready for YR1 Charlotte Mason, I have followed the advice of 'Charlotte Mason Help' and started teaching him how to write each letter of the Alphabet. I am looking for perfect execution ala CM methodology. This is perfect execution for a child of 5, I do not expect him to be able to write the letters perfectly, this will be a difficult concept for Nuh to grasp as he is by nature a perfectionist and I am prepared for many tears and much frustration.
I decided to work on each letter both, lower case and uppercase until he has mastered each, we will tackle two letters at a time. I am hoping that the fact that he will only have to complete a line of each will encourage him.
I demonstrated the correct way that each letter should be written using a small tray and some salt, like in montessori, we then practiced writing the letter on the small whiteboard. Nuh liked this a lot as he could erase any mistakes easily.
After the practice on the whiteboard we progressed to paper, I used one inch lined handwriting paper that I printed off of the net. I can't remember where I got it from maybe Simply Charlotte Mason. I even had to show Nuh what a typical 5 yr olds handwritting looks like on the web so that he didn't get upset when his letters were not as neat as mine.
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