Organising our resources

It took me a while to organise our home school resources so that they worked for us, after many different methods this is what we currently do:

Worksheets, flash cards and printouts

I try to printout what we need for the week and get any resources of a paper based nature printed, laminated and cut out on Monday afternoons. I then store them in there individual subject folders like this:

These folders are then stored in a plastic storage box, with Noah's name on it. I also put any other manipulatives or resources he might need like number stickers, pencils or number cards in here.

I store all my curriculum in lever arch files, sheet protectors. As I have previously stated I use Karen Tylers albums for Montessori and mainly pick and choose from Charlotte Mason Help ( CMH). I plan on following mainly CMH next year, I will complete the albums we did not finish this year and plan on continuing with Montessori maths through years 6-12. 

The folders are stored in a special storage box for lever arch files, I bought this one at my local stationery shop but Amazon do sell similar ones, or if you are that way inclined you could make one. It just keeps them neat and means that they don't fall over. 

Completed work 
All of Noah's completed work is stored in his own learning log, this is a lever arch file with dividers for each month of the academic year.  I also printout any images I have taken of his Montessori work and place them in here:

Books and other supplies

Books that we read in lessons during circle time and also readers for Nuh are stored on a bookshelf from Ikea. I also keep our field guides here and my paints and special artists pens. These are not for the children to use. On the top shelf  I keep the busy bags I make for the kids and in the red box, the in house rewards store. (I know I need to label these)   The bottom shelves which you cannot see in the picture are filled with my large craft projects box, which is strictly off limits to the kids and a large plastic storage box which we keep the duplo Lego in. 

I ave two sets of mini drawers. The pink plastic ones house all of my stationery, like stickers, staplers, pins erasers and scissors etc.. 

I also have a some cardboard mini drawers which I store any printouts in that need laminating, I also store card and craft foam in here. These were all labelled nicely until I left it on the table one day and my little girl removed them and chewed them for me. She is very helpful like that, LOL.

Mummy's Basket 
I keep my teacher file/planner in a basket on the tables in the classroom, I actually pin our weekly plan up on the cork board so that I can simply glance at it. I also keep any completed work that needs to be displayed. I like to display work that is finished to a high standard or is useful as an aid memoir. 

I also have track shelving in the alcove of the room that I store equipment in such as jigsaws, practical llife stuff and craft supplies. I will let you see more of these another time as the walls need plastering and the boxes need decorating. 

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